Affordable Braces is a Reason to Smile.

Affordable Braces from the Only Board-Certified Orthodontist in Wheeling, West Virginia.


This is the traditional treatment that orthodontists are known for. The purpose of braces is to align the teeth and jaws. The benefits of proper alignment of the teeth and jaws are many! 

The first and most obvious benefit is the aesthetic benefit. A beautiful smile always leaves a great impression. It also builds great confidence when your appearance is optimal. The first impression is always the most lasting!

There are many health benefits to straight teeth as well. Poorly aligned teeth are difficult to keep clean and the chance of developing decay and gum disease is increased. Also, proper alignment of teeth, jaws and the jaw joint minimize the possibility of damaging these structures, which could lead to facial pain and headache. A bad bite can also make chewing difficult and can contribute to digestive disorders.


Orthodontist Wheeling WV
Braces Wheeling WV
Invisalign Wheeling WV
Cosmetic Dentistry Wheeling WV
TMJ Wheeling WV
Orthodontist St. Clairsville OH
Braces St. Clairsville OH
Invisalign St. Clairsville OH
Cosmetic Dentistry St. Clairsville OH
TMJ St. Clairsville OH